• 也许每个家庭都将一个太阳发电机提供照明取暖电力

    Perhaps each home will have a solar generator to provide power for lighting and heating.


  • 建议在后灾害状况下首先附加电池太阳系统承担本应由柴油发电机完成的许多工作

    His proposal is to start by using solar systems with associated batteries to do much of the work that diesel generators do in post-calamity situations.


  • 天气会影响电力消耗量(夏天空调冬天采暖)发电量(比如风力发电机组、太阳电站和水力发电机组)。

    Weather dictates both how energy is consumed (air-conditioning in the summer, heating in the winter) and generated (such as wind farms, solar facilities, and hydropower).


  • 手机,是靠小型太阳发电机充电的,用以家里或者女朋友打电话的女朋友在校大学生每隔过来看一次。

    He had a cellphone, which he charged with a small solar generator and used to call his family and his girlfriend, a college student who visited him every few weeks.


  • 希望未来传感器可以电池太阳电池板甚至压电发电机,以致获得传感器发射机运行必须电力

    Stoner hopes that future sensors can be equipped with batteries , solar panels or even piezoelectric generators to generate the power necessary to run the sensors and transmitters.


  • 其他传统方法包括购置备用发电机或者太阳诊所冰箱供电

    Other conventional approaches include buying backup generators, or using solar panels to power the refrigerators in clinics.


  • 同样英国可以全部发电机容量替换为太阳电池板,减少三分之一的排放

    For the same money, Britain could replace its entire power-generation stock with solar cells and cut its emissions by a third.


  • 大体而言使用太阳或者量放射性同位元素发电机比如运用于卡西尼任务中的,更加便宜简单

    By and large, it's cheaper and easier to go with solar power or very low-power radioisotope generators like the one that powers the Cassini mission.


  • 建议,在后灾害状况首先附加电池现成太阳系统承担应由柴油发电机完成许多工作(例如医院供)。

    His proposal is to start by using off-the-peg solar systems with associated batteries to do much of the work that diesel generators do in post-calamity situations (such as power hospitals).


  • 目前为止这些尝试尚未奏效——他们不是贵了就是过于脆弱偏远地区很难弄到发电机或者太阳电板

    So far these attempts have not worked out-they are too expensive or too fragile: It's hard to get generators or solar panels serviced in remote areas.


  • 医院不得不用煤气炉锅炉发电机太阳蜡烛来应对

    Hospitals must use gas stoves, coal-fired boilers, fuel generators, solar power and candles.


  • 风力发电机太阳电池可以产生雨水收集系统收集净化雨水

    Wind turbines and solar cells will generate electricity and a rainwater collection system will harvest and purify rain.


  • 另外许多节点小型风力发电机太阳电池供电它们无限地供电给节点。

    In addition, many of the nodes are powered by small wind turbines and solar cells, which may be able to power them indefinitely.


  • 知道究竟多少美国人国家公共事业的网络生活依靠发电机替代太阳地热

    No one is sure just how many Americans live off the national public-utilities grid - relying on generators or alternate energy sources such as solar, wind and geothermal.


  • 借助法规要求同样也是通行做法各州通过诸如太阳之类可再生推动发电机获得更多

    Using regulatory mandates has also been a popular way, at the state level, to nudge electricity generators towards getting more of their power from alternative energy sources such as wind and solar.


  • 绿色领域我们看到竹子制成大型风力发电机使用率高达42%的太阳

    In the green energy field, we saw gigantic wind turbines made of bamboo, and solar panels with efficiency rates as high as 42 percent.


  • 如果这种加热器安装付诸连续使用太阳热电发电机,那么首先从中提取

    If such heaters were covered with thermoelectric generators the sun's rays could be put to sequential use. First, electric power would be extracted from them.


  • 为了给筏子上的现代小工具提供电力——卫星导航仪,应急无线电标识,船舶自动识别仪——我们准备了太阳电池板一架风力发电机一部兼健身器脚踏

    To create electricity for our modern AIDS - GPS, EPIRB, AIS, Satnav and so forth - we have four solar panels, a wind generator and a foot pump, which will also serve as exercise equipment.


  • 此外电网容易集成间歇式分散型电源例如屋顶太阳电池板后院风力发电机等。

    Moreover a smart grid will make it easier to co-ordinate the intermittent and dispersed sources of power, from rooftop solar panels or backyard wind-turbines, for example.


  • 绿色装备包括燃料电池、一个由充电设备电池发电机构成的太阳电池板系统

    The green features include a hydrogenfuel cell, a solar panel system including recharging hubs and batterygenerators.


  • 这种焦虑美国源部尤其严重,源部对用于生产风力发电机涡轮电动汽车太阳电池的特殊材料的缺少感到特别揪心。

    In particular, the Department of Energy frets about certain metals used in manufacturing wind turbines, electric vehicles, solar cells and energy-efficient lighting.


  • 一项提高效率努力中,工作场所很大一部分来自太阳然后发电机获得热量。注:我的理解是不是先太阳发电,然后转换成

    In an effort to increase energy efficiency, much of the heat in the Intelligent Workplace comes from solar thermal energy and recaptured heat from generators.


  • 驱动Butler先生发电机大约消耗370Johnstone家的,太阳的,1千瓦多一点点

    The motor that moves Mr Butler’s house consumes about 370 watts; the Johnstones’—which is solar-powered—a bit over a kilowatt.


  • 驱动Butler先生发电机大约消耗370Johnstone家的,太阳的,1千瓦多一点点

    The motor that moves Mr Butler’s house consumes about 370 watts; the Johnstones’—which is solar-powered—a bit over a kilowatt.


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